J.B.Priestley's Use of Genre, Tension, Characterisation, and Irony

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How does J.B.Priestley interest the audience in the contrast between

the ideas and beliefs of Authur Birling and Inspector Goole, in An

Inspector Calls?

In this essay I hope to identify and discuss J.B.Priestley's use of

genre, tension, characterisation, irony and any other factors that

contribute to making this play a success. A successful play is one

that keeps the audience's interest throughout, and this is one such

play. The two main characters in question are Authur Birling and

Inspector Goole. They are very contrasting characters in almost every

way. Apart from discussing these differences, it will also be

interesting to see how Priestley keeps to the detective thriller

genre, while conveying a moral lesson, and also not focusing too much

on Birling and the Inspector's views on social and moral issues of the

period. I will also use key aspects of the play like the speeches made

by both Birling and the Inspector. The conclusion I hope to make will

be on the basic ways in which Priestley engineered this specific play

to suit the needs of the audience and engage them in the play he

wanted them to see.

J.B.Priestley's play on the moral issues of the 1940's can relate to

any era. 'An Inspector Calls' is a play in the guise of a detective

thriller genre (although no imprisonable offence has been committed).

Priestley had to disguise his play because at the time (1947, just

after the end of the war), the most popular types of play were those

written by famous crime and detective thriller authors, such as Agatha

Christie and Emlyn Williams. His play, similar to the original

morality plays of the late middle ages, but written in a more modern,

secular manner, wasn't the type of play that was attracting the

masses. To gain the audience he needed to make 'An Inspector Calls' a

success it assumed the disguise of a detective thriller.

Priestley was very interested in exploring time. This is shown in 'An

Inspector Calls' as the play was written in 1947 but is set in 1912.

Priestley is able to use hindsight to make comments on events with

dramatic irony. Birling makes his ironic speeches about the good times

ahead, the 'unsinkable Titanic', and 'prosperity that will make war

impossible', to characters that are unaware of future events and the

lessons they will be forced to learn in 'fire, blood, and anguish'.

For the audience the Inspector's view of the world is an alternative

to that presented by Birling. Priestley's influences for the

manipulation of time are two theories: Ouspensky's 'A New Model of the

Universe', and Dunne's idea that individuals could look forward aswell

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