Ivan Pavlov Research Paper

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Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was a Russian physiologist. Pavlov is famously known for his work with classical conditioning. Pavlov believed that “a learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired; a response that is at first elicited by the second stimulus is eventually elicited by the first stimulus alone.” In other words when two items are paired together they can changed or create a response in a person based off the sound and food (any items really) that maybe paired together. Ivan Pavlov was one of the greatest physiologist around.

Introduction Ivan Pavlov was a famous Russian Physiologist. He came up with classical conditioning; a theory that states that if two items paired together correctly can over time create a conditioned response in a person. When Pavlov was a child he spent most of his time demonstrating intellectual curiosity. As a child, he had a lot of energy and called it his “instinct for research.” When Pavlov was a young man he left his career in religion and devoted the rest of his life to science. He attended the University of Saint Petersburg where he studied physics and mathematics of natural science. Pavlov has been ranked 24th in the …show more content…

Pavlov’s father was a village priest. Pavlov was first educated in church school in Ryazan and later going to theological seminary in Ryazan as well. However, in 1870, Pavlov abandoned his religious career and followed in the foots of his idols, D. I. Pisarev, and I. M. Sechenove, the father of Russian psychology. He enrolled into the University of Saint Petersburg where he took physics and mathematics, majoring in natural science. Over time Pavlov became very passionate about physiology. During this time of his life he collaborated with another student, Afanasyev, a work on the physiology of the pancreatic nerves (Reread this sentence). This work later won Ivan Pavlov a gold medal as his work widely

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