Ivan IV: A Villain

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Ivan IV was the first tsar of Russia who ruled in the mid to late 16th century. He helped create a centralized government by acquiring vasts amounts of lands. Ivan IV may seem as a hero for uniting Russia; however, he should be remembered as a villain for his terrible rule of his people and his horrendous character. Ivan IV inherited the power at the age of three, when both of his parents passed away. The boyars or the nobles were dubbed his guardians, and ten years under their rule scarred Ivan which changed him into a cruel and undisciplined person. To demonstrate his authority, “Ivan executed a member of the Shuisky family” ("Ivan IV." World ). This course of action was to help his Glinsky family have more influence. The execution was …show more content…

Ivan IV also goes by the nickname, “Ivan the Terrible,” since his character is one that a villain would have. Even as a young child, Ivan IV could be considered evil, as his boyar guardians “encouraged him to be cruel to animals and people and to engage in every form of debauchery” ("Ivan IV." Encyclopedia). One way that Ivan the Terrible was cruel to animals was that he took delight in throwing animals off the roof. But, he would also form a habit of robbing and beating the people of his capital. It is clear that because Ivan IV was involved in these immoral acts, he should be remembered as a villain. However, these were acts he committed as a child and continued this behavior as an adult. As an adult, Ivan the Terrible, “in a fit of rage lashed out at his 27-year-old son, Ivan Ivanovich, and struck him dead with an iron-pointed staff” ("Ivan IV." Encyclopedia). This shows that even as many years passed by, Ivan was still a villainous person. But, based on what Ivan wrote to Queen Elizabeth, we also know that Ivan is not a man of his words. Queen Elizabeth is the leader of England, who is considered a major trading partner with Russia. However, Ivan is unhappy with their ambassador; therefore, telling the Queen in a letter that “all our letters which we have so far given on trade matters are no longer valid” (Clio). This shows that Ivan IV is a villain for not keeping promises

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