Its Kind Of A Funny Story By Ned Vizzini

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Its Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is about facing the problems that occur in life and having the capability to deal with those hardships. I love this realistic fiction book because of the way the author portrays the thoughts of the main character. This story is something that relates to many lives today. Its so interesting to hear what a person going through this situation is thinking of. I love the ongoing theme of acceptance whether it was when Craig was making connections with the other patients, or when his family was telling him how their support will always be there. Entering the mind of Craig Gilner, a fifteen year old boy, who is living the life of any other, the story takes place in Manhattan at the public school he was attending where, Craig was doing exceptionally well and was at the top percent of his class. Coming freshman year he decided to apply to the Executive Pre-Professional High School. This took up about a year of his life to simply study for the exam that would allow him to attend. This test was the only thing he had in mind. At last when the took the exam he had achieved a perfect score. At the time this was a big accomplishment. Until school had started and slowly he realized that he was “smart but not enough--just smart enough to have problems.” That’s when it started. Homework was piling up and he …show more content…

Minerva, his therapist, came in to talk with him about the obvious things. After hitting the hard topics she wanted to discuss his anchors, the things that kept him stable and even happy. This reminded him of the moment he had at the activity center when he was supposed to draw anything and the girl Noelle mentioned to “draw something from his childhood.” Craig thought back to his good days when he was a child. How fascinated he was with maps. Just the simplicity of it. He drew them any moment he had. Drawing the maps was what “made me happy. That was my Anchor.” It was strange, but that was represented the good

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