It's A Sin To Kill A Mockingbird Analysis

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The quote, “It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird,” symbolizes one of the central themes in Harper Lee’s novel, “To Kill a Mockingbird,” the loss of innocence, for it is iniquitous to harm the innocent or the mockingbird. It relates to the title as the mockingbird represents those in the novel who had not done anything unjust such as Scout, Jem, Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson, but had to face the consequences of the cruel society they lived in and lost their innocence in a series of events that forever altered their lives, which can be associated with killing a mockingbird, such as in the title of the novel. One of the major events that robbed Jem and Scout of their childhood innocence was the trial, as it is shown when Scout questions Atticus,

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