Italian Futurism Essay

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Italian Futurism was launched in 1909 when Filippo Marinetti, an Italian poet, published his manifesto Founding and Manifesto of Futurism in the French newspaper Le Figaro. Futurism celebrated modernity—the beauty of the machine, speed, technology, youth, violence, and war. In his manifesto, Marinetti declared an end to the art of the past and the beginning of the art of the future. The futurists had a passionate loathing of everything old, especially political and artistic tradition, and wanted to demonstrate the beauty of modern life. The futurists embraced World War I in hopes that it would rid Italian society of its decadence and catapult it into the present. Typography played a key role in the Futurist program. Marinetti rejected the traditional past of book design and called for a typographic revolution against “the idiotic and nauseating concepts of the outdated and conventional book.” According to Marinetti, the book should be an expression of Futurist ideas, and he directed a revolution against “the typographic harmony of the page, which is contrary to the flux and movement of style.” In May 1912 Marinetti published the Manifesto tecnico della letteratura Futurista, in which he declared the …show more content…

Avant-garde poet Guillaume Apollinaire’s contribution to graphic design was a collection of poems entitled Calligrammes published in 1918. Apollinaire’s poems consisted of letterforms that were arranged to form a visual design or figure. One of the most well-known poems in this collection, “il Pleut” (“it’s raining”), has a cascade of letters running down the page, evoking a feeling of rain. Fortunato Depero, another Futurist artist, published a compilation of his typographic experiments in Dinamo Azari in 1927, showing the use of different typefaces and text formed into various shapes. Depero’s work influenced America’s movement toward

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