Isolationism In Ww1

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In 1914, World War I broke out between Allies and the Central Powers. The U.S did not formally join the war until the near end. Before the U.S joined in 1917, the country adopted a policy of neutrality in 1914 because Wilson wanted to support the country’s idealism for isolation and to adhere his diplomacy. However, even though the U.S preached its neutrality, the country supported the Allies. The U.S traded with the Allies and disregarded the Germans. The reasons why U.S adopted a policy of neutrality from 1914 to 1917 is due to the country’s pursuit for isolationism and the Wilsonian system. One main reason the U.S adopted a policy of neutrality from 1914 to 1917 was due to the country’s quest for isolationism. Isolationism is when a country

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