Isolation In The Scarlett Letter

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Alienation means being isolated from a group or society. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter Hester is really alienated from her society and culture and gets treated different than everyone else. In the puritan community they punish everyone harshly and different than anyone else. The sin of one individual is also considered to be the sin of everyone else. They all are isolated because of some shame that have been through. The Scarlet Letter has many different scenes that go back to isolation like Hester, Pearl, Dimmesdale, and even the sailors are set apart from society. Hester committed adultery and the community found out because she had a little girl named Pearl. She had to go through a lot of consequences. She had to wear a mark of shame and walk around with it. The mark made her isolated from everyone else and she constantly got judged for what she had done. Every time she comes around people look at her with a nasty look in disgust. This book reflects guilt and what is right and wrong and the adultery was something wrong. She got punished for what she did wrong and he affected the rest of her life and others. “Thus she will be a …show more content…

Pearl is the kid she had when she committed adultery and Dimmesdale is the person who committed it with her. Everyone now looks at Pearl like she is an evil kid and she came from the devil. They look at her wrong and don’t give her a chance. Pearl will now not be able to be around other kids or go to school. Dimmesdale on the other hand doesn’t really get judged because no one knew he was the father. He didn’t confess till the day he died and so no one could really say much about it anyways. “Pearl was born outcast of the infantile world (page 84).” She was already being viewed as someone you don’t want to be around as a baby. Puritan values were a lot different and they didn’t care who you were just what you have done

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