Islam Golden Age Research Paper

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Islam’s golden age was a period of time of great achievements. Politics, arts, education, medicine, science, and architecture benefited greatly during Islam’s golden age. Typically, when people speak of a “golden age” they refer to a time period of great advances and accomplishments. Under this definition, we can conclude that the United States, with its advanced technology, and breakthroughs in medicine, science, astronomy, and architecture, is in a golden age today. The United States has a short history when compared to other regions or countries. However, it is one of the most culturally rich countries today. Most of America’s culture, music, and art has come from individual, hard-working people that strive to create a difference in our …show more content…

Scientists, doctors, and astronomers, along with everyday people, began to question the long-held beliefs about the world. This began the Scientific Revolution, which changed how many people thought of the world. In addition, the Enlightenment brought change as well. During the 1700s, people began to think of the world and its thinking differently, spreading the idea that reason, evidence, and logical thinking could lead to new ideas and better technology. Since then, the United States has become a place where scientists can introduce and examine their ideas, a place where change can occur. In fact, the U.S. Constitution gives the United States Congress the power “to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.” This helped establish the U.S. Patent and Copyright systems. An example of the breakthroughs in science and technology include the Apollo and Space Shuttle program, the telegraph, steamboat, computer, and smartphone. An example of the Space Shuttle Program can be seen in Figure 3. In addition to advances in science and technology, the medical field has also seen great strides in its research and development. For example, in April 2003, a draft of the Human Genome Project was completed, helping identify which genes caused diseases, allowing researches to better …show more content…

From the colonial periods to today, that fact has not changed. While America has seen periods of growth and decline in the economy, the overall trend is unmistakable: America is growing faster than ever before, and that’s here to stay. Under the notion of mercantilism, the idea that a country’s wealth is determined by trade, America exports around 1.45 trillion dollars and imports at a staggering 2.19 trillion dollars. America’s GDP per capita has also increased rapidly, from 1990, and there is no reason to believe it will not continue to increase. The United States is the second largest exporter in the world, and the largest importer in the world. A great deal of trade done with America uses cargo ships, as seen in Figure 5. In addition, American politics and government has also progressed. Successful presidents, such as Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and John F. Kennedy, along with Congress, the Supreme Court, and state and local governments have shaped American politics to what it is today. Due to America’s democracy and freedoms, candidates and government staff go around the country talking to citizens, showing their views on a wide range of topics. In addition to advances in politics, America is the only superpower of the world right now, and American foreign policy supports humanitarian efforts and nonprofit organizations. In 2014, the United States distributed about

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