Isabella Gardner Museum Heist: A Clever Ruse

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The Isabella Gardner Museum Heist: A Clever Ruse On March 18th, 1990 in the early morning hours in Boston, MA, two men dressed like police officers their way into the Isabella Gardner Museum. In a matter of 81 minutes, while inside the building, they managed to pull off one of the biggest (approx. 500 MIL) and as of yet, unsolved art heists in the history of the United States. There have been many theories and suspects over the past 25 years, but there is one major theory that has not been in the media and yet seems so obvious: The heist was nothing more than a clever ruse thought up by the new art director Anne Hawley in order to save a dying museum. With the help of the FBI and the use of the museum itself to perhaps hide the 13 pieces, …show more content…

The museum prior to 1990 was teetering on the brink of disaster. Attendance had declined and in January of 1989 the museum for the first time ever had to start charging admission. The 7 member board of trustees was unwilling to ask for donations for the museum, as they felt it was tantamount to begging. Isabella’s once very large and generous inheritance had dwindled significantly and there was no means as to how to generate income to keep the museum alive, a museum that was probably set to be auctioned off within a …show more content…

That is just what happened on that night of March 18th, 1990 when the thieves took off with 13 pieces of what seemed to be random art selections out of a vast collection of 2,500 pieces (some way more valuable than what was taken.) Anne, completely understanding the last wishes of a stubborn and controlling woman, saw this as a way to make the museum unique, thus generating business. The museum now has empty frames and blank table tops where the 13 pieces used to be and THIS is why people come to the Gardner Museum, THIS is why the museum has stayed in the limelight for the past 25 years. Did Anne know that it was important to not have the pieces come back? Yes, because if the pieces came back the museum would start heading down the same dismal path it was on before the heist. Did Anne know a good hiding place within the museum? It is quite possible, as she had six months to check out the inner workings of a museum that no one was watching. One thing is for sure the FBI never searched the museum thoroughly for the missing artwork. But then again, the FBI was in on the master

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