Is3350 Unit 6 Assignment

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Initially, I must state the context within which I have been working. The school I am based in is situated in urban area with just over three hundred children present. I am working in a year two class, consisting of thirty children. There is a broad range of abilities that presents its own challenges across the class, there is four SEN children to consider. In the class two SEN children have one-to-one TA’s and one is working from a different timetable from the rest of the school. My elicitation topic was chosen because it was a subject theme that the children had not yet learnt: Body Systems- Skeletal System. I decided to plan for my three profile children plus another child who is very interested in science, this was intended to create …show more content…

Children can be taught (conditioned) to provide the correct responses/answers through using positive or negative reinforcement (Cooper, 2012). Positive behaviour management usually involves rewarding acceptable behaviour from pupils (CBG- catch them being good) and ignoring unacceptable behaviour. In theory pupils will be encouraged to repeat the acceptable behaviour, and the unacceptable behaviour will gradually descend (Cremlin and Arthur, 2014). I have witnessed positive reinforcements during placement. The rewards included verbal praise and House Points were given out to the children doing what was asked of them. Theoretically it has been argued that unacceptable behaviour, if met with a negative response by the teacher, may in fact be perceived by the pupil as having been rewarded (any attention being better than none for some pupils) and thus negative behaviour will not fade away but be continued. Cremlin and Arthur (2014) continued by stating ignoring it is better! Bad behaviour and a negative response, theoretically equals a reward for the child, as the child is getting the attention they desire. However, Cremlin and Arthur (2014) believe this argument makes good sense theoretically, but can be difficult to implement which I have found already on placement. I have found in some situations rewarding good behaviour does improve those that are not listening. This was evident in whole class discussions and P.E lessons (see appendix 7. Page,

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