Is The American Dream Withering Or Just Changing Summary

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Americans seem to fantasize about a nostalgic period where jobs were readily available for any hardworking American, a time known collectively as “the good old days”. The question is, good for who? Any time being reflected upon prior to the present was rampant with racial, gender, and religious inequality. This idea branded into the nation’s collective minds as a two floor home enveloped in a white picket fence known as the American dream, is a fallacy, completely dependent on perspective.
Additionally, This notion that that is the pinnacle of life is outdated and does not represent America's changing views on what the American Dream is. According to the Time Magazine article “Is the American Dream Withering or Just Changing?” by Dan Kadlec, the American Dream is defined as “that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement”(Truslow). Americans value the simple serenity of safety and financial security, which is becoming more and more distant for many Americans. In many communities, those who pledge to protect, inflict the most harm. When simple rights are infringed …show more content…

As mentioned previously, the face of the dream is changing, Millennials, both women and men, are putting off getting married and becoming more career oriented, choosing first to find stable

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