Is Guinness Good For You Essay

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Is Guinness Good for You?

Picking the right beer is an important and serious task, and if you are having some doubts about what type of beer to enjoy, you’ll never go wrong with a Guinness. From its humble beginnings in Dublin, Ireland, to international popularity and fame, this Irish brew has been one of the most enduring beers for well over 240 years. But is Guinness good for you? Now drinkers will be able to ascertain the nutritional information of Guinness, straight from its label.

Is Guinness Good for You?

If you drink Guinness in moderation, and have a look at the numbers relating to its content of calories, alcohol, carbohydrates, Guinness seems almost nutritious, and this is why:
$ Less Alcohol
As it relates to drinking beer, knowing …show more content…

Guinness has antioxidants content the same as wine does, however, the specific antioxidants in beer are different because the hops and barley used for the production of beer are different from those in grapes used for the production of wine. When taken in moderation, the darker the beer is, the more flavonoids it will contain, and the better it will be for your heart.
$ It 's Almost Light
Even when compared to popular light beers like, Sam Adams Light (119 calories), or Molson Light (113 calories), the difference is negligible. However, the intense roasted flavors that you get from the darker grains in Guinness results in a really bold flavor to a lot of people. Something that many light beers are lacking. But it is not a heavy beer. Guinness has long been considered a truly filling beer.
$ Low Carbs
Guinness has always been known as a delicious brew. Now, you can indulge in a bottle and just get 9.9 grams of carbohydrates. This is the lightest of Irish stout beers on the market, yet it has all the bold taste that people expect from a full-bodied beer. Guinness has less than Murphy’s Irish Stout (18 grams), Sam Adams Lager (18 grams), and even a Killian 's Irish Red (12 …show more content…

Over two hundred years later, it’s still an honour to his legacy.

$ It was named after Arthur Guinness
On December 1, 1759 Arthur had entered his signature, as a new brewer, in the Minute Book of the Dublin Brewers and Maltsters Corporation, and Guinness brewery was founded December 31, 1759 with a signed 9,000 year lease at St James Gate in Dublin where, of course, the brewery still functions today. Guinness is good for you.
The claim, “Guinness is good for you” was presented as a catchy marketing slogan in the late 1920 's, and wasn’t based on any scientific proof that drinking Guinness actually had any health benefits. Today however, some experts actually do believe that moderate alcohol consumption, could be good for you, especially your heart.

What’s in a pint of Guinness?
The classic Guinness stout is brewed from barley (malted and roasted), hops, yeast and water. It is then pasteurised and filtered and contains fewer calories than most full-bodied beers. However, it may contain traces of isinglass, a fining agent used in its production that’s made from fish, and therefore should be avoided by

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