Is Capulet To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death?

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I believe the most to blame for Romeo and Juliet's death is Capulet. I say this because Capulet forced Juliet to marry a man she does not love or have feelings for. But she loves Romeo but he is a Montague. Capulet hates Montagues so he would not allow it if she told him. The Capulet’s and Montague’s have had a long grudge as it states that in act one, scene one. You can see they don’t like each other because on page .(5) the 7th paragraph in act one, scene one Capulet asks his wife for his sword when the Montague’s enter. Also in act one, scene one the first words of Montague is “Thou villain Capulet! Hold me not, let me go. So that clearly shows they don’t like each other. And Romeo does not have a chance. So Juliet had to make a plan

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