Is America A Melting Pot

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Ordinarily, when I first read our discussion assignment number two, my thoughts were oh boy this going to become a difficult task for me since I am somebody that appreciates every culture. Although, I have become astonished that the United States have become called the melting pot and several people do not realize why America has become called the melting pot and the reason for the United States being called the melting pot is since our country is unique in comparison to other nations.
When researching, what is a melting pot I found the perfect definition of the word melting pot. Which the definition of a melting pot that I found states that a melting pot is an allegory of a society where several unique types of people blend as one. Therefore, that is why America has become referred to as the melting pot. Accordingly, selected …show more content…

However, a place like that is a melting pot; we could learn from the melting pot culture to enrich our lives, deepen our business expertise, and improve our communication skills, although the people despite their variances the melting pot culture manages to coexist and live together as one nation. Anywhere diverse people have become assimilated could become called a melting pot. In a melting pot, differences become less important than unity. While, working together with one another we can create a happier worker place, safer environment, advancement on practical solutions, and become able to create a thriving environment that people want to come to every day. Above are numerous skills that we can learn from to enrich our lives, deepen our business expertise, while also improving our communication skills. The company aims to get customers and businesses working together to improve access for everyone and focuses on engaging campaigners to take direct action by surveying services in their local communities (Parker,

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