Irony In The Book Thief

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Have you ever thought that Death is a person and not a thing? Well in the book The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Death is the narrator and tells the story. In this book, there is a girl named Liesel. Liesel is going to live with her foster parents, while she was traveling with her mom and her brother, her brother died. He was buried and near his grave was a book. It’s name was “The Grave Digger’s Handbook”. This was the first book she stole, and she only continues from here. She lives on Himmel Street and which she meet kids and she has to show her worth. That is not the important part. In the end of The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, it ends up really ironic. There are multiple ironic things in the book, it is practically filled with ironic and …show more content…

In this part of the book Death is describing when Liesel’s brother died. This is shortly after he carried away his soul. “Please, be calm, despite that previous threat. I am all bluster - I am not violent. I am not malicious. I am a result.” (Zusak, page 6, lines 7 - 11) This shows irony and how this book is ironic is because people think that death is something that can happen to you, that it is something that comes upon you. It’s not, it is a result to your reaction or actions. Also, many people wouldn’t think of Death as a person, but it is in this book. It might even be true in the real world. Not only is the narrator show irony but the street’s name shows …show more content…

Max showed her a side of the world that was technically forbidden for her German roots and family. Either way, her family housed a jewish person. Which was illegal at that time and punishable by death. Not a topic to take lightly. Anyways, Max wrote Liesel a book called “The Standover Man”. A quote from the book makes his story ironic. “It makes me understand that the best standover man I’ve ever known is not a man at all…” (Zusak, page 205, line 5-8) This is ironic because Liesel could be a man with her guts, but she is different. She doesn’t put up with any crap from anyone (but her parents of course), but she can also at the same time be very caring. She is as mean as an angry bull, but as nice as a caring mother with her newborn child. It’s kind of hard to think of any female being like that but that is how Liesel is

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