Iron M A Representation Of American Pop Culture

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The image has been taken from Iron Man II movie which was initiated in 2010. Since then, Iron man has become an icon for the American pop culture. Iron Man represents various themes of the American pop culture such as capitalism, imperialism and entrepreneurial genius. Iron Man is a self-made superhero. His powers are not gifted but rather earned and invented by him. He is a philanthropist at heart but an egocentric human being in his mindset, and he is often conflicted due to his inner commotion. He is a representation of the current American society which encourages entrepreneurship and the right to ownership and his wealth is exhibited extravagantly. His wealth is well-earned by his efforts, and it is conveyed that he possesses the right to live lavishly if he’s doing his part for the society.
The image shows Iron Man under a flag wearing an armor that resembles the theme of Captain America’s armor. …show more content…

While Iron Man looks powerfully ahead with the launcher tucked at his back, these officers are looking straight ahead. They gave an unimpressed or flustered impression while Iron Man enjoys pride. In this image Iron Man exhibits the American pop culture of opposing the law and being above the law. Iron Man has done bad deeds in his life because he’s burdened by his egoism and his impulsiveness. Iron Man seems to be protected by the officers, but he could very well be under supervision. The current culture of continuous surveillance and government keeping tracks of every citizen could be an indication here. The American Government which is obsessed with coming up newest technologies for protection of the country is also afraid of its implication, and this fear could be represented in this image as well. As Iron Man is surrounded by these officers, this could be an indicative of the Government’s paranoia exhibited in the pop

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