Essay On Irish During The Gilded Age

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During what is known as the Gilded Age, there was major changes happening in the US. These changes included industrialization, population increase, along with cities rising up and big business like the railroad company coming about as well. These were just a few of the many changes that were occurring. One of the biggest occurrences in the US was immigration. Imagine you and your family leaving your homeland to a completely new world where there is a language you might not be able to understand or speak. These immigrant groups not only relocated throughout different states but immigrant were moving to specific cities to the best places they felt accepted. As an example we had many immigrant groups that came to Saint Louis, Missouri. One …show more content…

The first type of institution they formed was social institutions. These institutions included educational facilities. One of the most famous schools that was opened was St. Leo. This school was built in 1888. It was built to serve the needs of Irish community. In the middle of the 20th century, it began its decline. Due to low numbers of admission, the school fused with another school called Saint Bridgets in 1968. This couldn't help save the school and it closed ten years later. Another type of institution that the Irish formed were newspapers and periodicals. Many Irish became writers, and journalist. One of the most famous newspapers was founded by Irishman Joseph Charles, and he founded the “Missouri Gazette” in the early 1800's19 (Saint Louis IRish. Other newspapers or periodicals that were founded or created by the Irish include; Home Library and Hearthstone Visitor, Home Press, North Saint Louis News, The Sporting News, Saint Louis Practical Photographer (Saint Louis Irish). The Irish also became to form special interest groups and institutions. There weren't …show more content…

Rose of Lima, St. Thomas of Aquinas, Holy Rosary, St. Agnes, St. Edwards and St. Matthew22. Due to the Irish immigrating into the city there are many well known and famous people who came out of Saint Louis. Some of these immigrants became preachers, and writers. While others became politcal figures and other types of public figures. One of the most famous Irish immigrants that came from Saint Louis was writer Kate
O'Flaherty or better known as Kate Chopin. A biography written by gives a good chronological story of her life which will be described in the following paragraphs23. Chopin was born February 8th 1850 in Saint Louis. Her father was from Ireland while her mother was from Saint Louis. From the time she was five years old she went to Saint Louis boarding school known as Sacred Heart. She was very close to her family. When she was a teenager she kept a diary. A few years later she met her husband Oscar Chopin. They got married and they moved down to Louisiana from Saint Louis. They had six children

together; five boys and one girl. Her husband died in 1882 and she never got remarried. After her husband died, her and her children moved back to Saint Louis. In 1885, her mother died. She

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