Investigating the Effects of Temperature on the Bounce Height of a Squash Ball

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Investigating the Effects of Temperature on the Bounce Height of a Squash Ball Aim: How temperature affects the bounce height of a squash ball. Prediction: I predict that the warmer the squash ball is the higher the bounce height of a squash ball will be. Apparatus: * water from a kettle * kettle * ruler * clamp * clamp stand * beaker * squash ball * thermometer Diagram: Method: § Collect all the equipment needed for this investigation. § Set up the equipment as shown in the diagram. § Pour water from the kettle into the beaker until it is half full and put a thermometer in the beaker to measure the water's temperature. § Put the squash ball in the beaker for a set amount of time and take down how warm the water is by looking at the temperature reading. § Decide on a drop height for the squash ball. Use this drop height throughout the whole investigation. § Write down how high the squash ball bounces. § Record the bounce height in a results table alongside the squash ball's temperature. § Put the ball back in the beaker. § Repeat this method another seven times. § Each time drop the squash ball from the same height but the squash ball should be at a different temperature each time it is dropped. § Once you have collected all your results draw a graph showing your results. Scientific Theory: Gravity made the ball come down when it was dropped. There was a little friction on the bounce surface as it was not smooth. Energy was lost ion the form of heat and sound energy. The squash ball did not bounce back to its drop height because energy was lost as heat and sound energy. [IMAGE] Drag [IMAGE] [IMAGE]

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