Investigating Factors that Affect the Amount of Heat Produced in Neutralisation

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Investigating Factors that Affect the Amount of Heat Produced in Neutralisation I am going to investigate factors that affect the amount of heat

produced in neutralisation. My objective is to plan and conduct an

experiment from which I should be able to draw a firm conclusion that

will either prove or disprove any predictions I have made. The factor

I will be investigating is concentration.

Preliminary Experiment

In order to investigate the factor that affects the amount of heat

produced during neutralisation I will first of all need to conduct an

experiment in order to help choose the equipment that I will be using.

This experiment shall give me clear evidence to what sort of vessel I

shall use during my experiment. I either shall be using a glass beaker

or a polystyrene cup. The vessel that overall I shall be using will be

the one which shall insulate the solution inside its container the

best. I have chosen the glass beaker and the polystyrene cup because I

have found that these two containers are resistant to any sort of

corrosion that might occur whilst I will be using the acid and the






1. I will first measure out 20ml of 2M Hydrochloric acid and pour it

into the glass beaker.

2. Then I will measure the starting temperature.

3. Then I will out 20ml of 2M Sodium hydroxide add it into the

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