Introverts and Extroverts in the Education System

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There is no doubt that the American education system has its flaws. It relies on textbooks, which has biased information. With schools being rated on how well their students perform on standardized tests, teachers are teaching the bare minimum so that the students are prepared when they take the test. This causes problems in itself; teachers and students lose interest in the material, as there is just so much to learn. The curriculum restrains teachers from teaching what they feel is important. Teachers are expected to teach by the curriculum and if they deviate from it, they risk losing their job. With these methods, students are not learning the material well, and they lose interest in school. However, these are not the only problems in the current education system. The psychology of the classes are completely leaning towards one temperament: extroverts. Introverts and extroverts are psychologically different, and therefore, learn in different ways. But with the methods of teaching right now, the United States favors one side, and that leaves the nation and the population at a disadvantage.
Introverts make up one-third to one-half of the United States’ population (Goudreau). The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a personality inventory that was created by C. G. Jung to make the theory of psychological types understandable and useful in people’s lives (cite). It defines introvertedness as being “reflective” or “reserved” (The Myers and Briggs Foundation). Introverts are also known to enjoy their own company and spend time alone, but they are not necessarily anti-social or shy (cite). People who are introverts also tend to be comfortable with long silences and hang out with a few close friends rather than a large group. There ...

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...called ‘cooperative’ or ‘small group’ learning” (Cain, 77). Desks are even placed in groups create a small, makeshift table to encourage group effort and activities. Even math and english, subjects that are usually done individually, are also done in groups in the form of projects. This kind of teaching has been an ongoing trend, and it is increasing in popularity (77). The reasoning for teaching this way is not just because students can “learn from each other,” but rather, it models the business environment, where employees are expected to have exceptional communication and leadership skills. Not everyone wishes to be a leader or go into business, especially introverts, whose tendencies are almost the opposite of what is expected for a leader or a business person.
Although it might be true that extroverts learn better when taught in groups, introverts are different.

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