Intraracial Discrimination In The Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison

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A social issue Toni Morrison emphasizes in the bluest eye that majority of people believe whiteness as the symbol of beauty and disdain those who are different. Sometimes people do discrimination without realizing that and hurt others’ feelings. Morrison shows this by telling how light skin people feel that they are superior to those of darker skins even in the same race. First, Morrison uses the symbol of white doll, white God, and white movie actresses to reveal that whiteness is the symbol of beauty. Second, Morrison shows people’s crucial and unrespectable behavior towards those who have darker skin. Finally, Morrison shows that people feel proud if they have light skin as opposed to others in their race and how much important they feel …show more content…

Morrison discloses discrimination within the black culture and reveals the hidden truth about intraracial discrimination, “In the Bluest Eye, Morrison took a different approach to the traditional white-versus-black racism. She acknowledged that most people are unaware of the racism that exists within a culture and often the racism that exists within themselves” (Coady). In the bluest eye Morrison shows intraracial discrimination at various places, where people of the same race discriminate each other on the base of their skin color. Pecola is one of the victims who struggle in intraracial discriminate society, “Pecola 's desire then reveals not only her culture 's racism; it reveals her culture 's method of perpetuating racism” (Lynn Scott). Morrison shows that people with light skin feel proud on their color and try to preserve it by marrying to light skin people and if they cannot find any, then they marry within the family. Morrison shows it by describing Soaphead family’s’ background that “they married “up,” lightening the family complexion and thinning out the family features” and “some distant and some not distant relatives married each other” (Morrison 168). This represents that how much preference people give to light skin color that they perpetuate it by doing intermarriages. Some cultures still believe in this skin color perpetuate concept. They feel superior to others who have dark skin color and believe that they got light skin as a gift from

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