Into The Wild Chris Mccandless Analysis

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Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer is a non-fiction book, based on the real story of Christopher McCandless, who in the April of 1992,set off alone into the Alaskan wild. He had given all his savings to charity, abandoned his car and his possessions. Unlike others, he wanted to live a life of independence, free from materialistic pleasures and filled with nature and it’s beauty. In addition, McCandless shed his legal name early in his journey, adopting the moniker ‘Alexander Supertramp’. He travelled a lot to places such as South Dakota, Salton City before hitchhiking to Alaska. Along his journey, he befriended few people whom he was in contact with till the end. McCandless …show more content…

As stated above, one of the first things after starting his ‘Great Alaskan Odyssey’ he did was burn down the money he was carrying .He wanted to be independent enough to survive merely by himself. This led to people claiming McCandless to be mentally unstable and suicidal. Though Krakauer repeatedly uses examples; both personal and of others to prove that it was indeed not true and for with most of the readers, also succeeds.

Although the story is not in an chronological order, one of the first scenes Krakauer talks about is when Chris offered Jim Gallien; the person who dropped him in Alaska, offering him all his money, his comb and his watch .When he refused to accept it, Chris said “I don’t want to know what time it is. I don’t want to know what day it is or where I am .None of that matters.”(Krakauer ,1996: 7) This clearly depicted how much Chris craved a raw regime and despised any kind of covetous pleasure. As the author describes it ,even getting a college degree was a unwise chore for him, and he genuinely felt relieved after attaining his …show more content…

But two days after Chris had set up camp beside Lake Mead ,an unusually robust wall of thunderheads reared up in the afternoon sky ,it began to rain really hard .This resulted in a flash flood , and Chris was forced to abandon his car there and endure the rest of his trip on foot .But instead of feeling agitated over this turn of events ,Chris felt exhilarated .He saw this as an prospect to abandon all his necessary baggage, before burning down the remaining of his 123 dollars. In contrast to McCandless , the modern day society seems to be shallow and covetous .What Supertramp was living was a non-materialistic and a truly spiritual one and requires a lot of courage . He was like a monk of the road and a very American character in the transcendental tradition which we have lost. It is gloomy that our collective patience has shrinked to 20 seconds and 255 characters .What Chris had was a lot of patience and an astonishing ability to be alone .The loneliness alone would have done most of us in. We all live our relatively safe, predictable lives. What is amazing is that he made it so far .While he may have gone way too far, most of us don't go anywhere in this adventure called

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