Interview with Friar Lawrence

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Interview with Friar Lawrence Detective: How did it all begin, Friar? Friar L: Well I suppose it started when Romeo came to me one morning and I suspected that something was wrong because Romeo was all bright and cheerful. I guessed that he had spent the night with Rosaline… Detective: Who is Rosaline? Friar L: She was Romeo’s Girlfriend. Then I asked if he was with Rosaline and he said that he had forgotten her name and the woe it brought. I then asked where he had been. Romeo then said that he had been feasting with his enemy. Who I guessed was the Capulets… Detective: Who were the Capulets and why were they his enemies? Friar L: The Capulets and the Montagues, Romeo’s family, have been fighting for generations. What they have been fighting about no one quite knows. Anyway Romeo asked me to marry him and Juliet… Detective: Juliet as in Juliet Capulet? Friar L: Yes, he asked me to marry them, so I agreed thinking that this would end the family feud, little did I know then that neither of their families knew. Detective: Why did you agree to marry them? Friar L: As I said a second ago I thought that it would end the family feud… Detective: Did not you think whether the families knew? Friar L: No, it did not spring to mind then. Foolishly, now I realise that it was something wrong to do and if their family had known maybe they would not have died. Detective: so you are admitting that it is your fault that they are both dead? Friar L: No, I did not mean it like that! I meant it as in it might be partly my fault. The next time I saw Romeo was after he had killed Tybalt, then I hid Romeo in m... ... middle of paper ... ... Detective: Right did not you think about telling Romeo’s servant? Friar L: I had not been able to find him. Anyway after I discovered that the message had not reached Romeo I tried to arrive at the tomb before Romeo arrived and Juliet awaked. Unfortunately I am not as young as I used to be and so my feet could not carry me faster. I arrived just as Romeo had killed himself and Juliet was still asleep. I heard the watch coming so I ran off, because I was frightened of getting caught and being blamed for the death. It would have looked bad if I was standing over them. But just as I left the tomb Juliet awoke and seeing Romeo dead stabbed herself. If only I had not run off I would have been able to stop her. Detective: Thank you for your time, we will get back to you after this has been taken into consideration.

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