Interview Analysis: Lies And Lying

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Jigar Govind Zhuoling Shi (Susan) Neel Vohra Lies and Lying Prof. Scandar Copti Skype Video Interview Analysis Interviews with a parent, a child (6-10 years old), an adolescent, a lawyer, a salesperson, a male in a relationship, a female in a relationship were conducted by people from three different backgrounds: a person from Panama and the United States, a person from China, and a person with a strong international upbringing. Each interviewer asked the following questions to a set of interviewees from backgrounds similar to that of the interviewer. 1. Do you lie to your children / parents / friends / clients / clients/ partner/ partner? 2. About what? 3. Did you ever get caught? If so, about what? How did you deal with it? How did the person …show more content…

In response to the first question, most interviewees admitted to lying. For those that did not explicitly admit to lying, such as one salesperson, they alluded to the fact that their statements may be interpreted as lying. When asked what one would lie about to their respective counterparts, there was a similar theme amongst parents, children, and people in relationships. The parents admitted to lying for their children’s own good, and the children admitted lying to avoid punishment from their parents. People in relationships admitted to inconsequential lies that did not harm their partner at all. When asked “When is it allowed to lie?”, the majority of our interviewees brought up the idea of lying when it does not do any harm. When asked about things they did not want to know the truth about and falsehoods that people still believe in, the children across cultures had a difficult time …show more content…

For example, when a someone is diagnosed with cancer, her whole family would agree on not telling the her about the illness because they do not want her to get worried. The only interaction that the doctor has in these cases is with the family instead of the patient. People believe that knowing the truth can cause anxiety which is not good for curing the disease. Beside, when the patient is predicted only to have limited time to live, her family would prefer her not to know anything and live happily ignorant of her condition for the rest of her life rather than live in anxiety for the rest of her

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