Intergration of Computer Aided Drafting and the Internet

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Intergration of Computer Aided Drafting and the Internet

After recently reading two articles about the future of CAD, it is very apparent that the Internet is going to play a major role in the design process. One article dealt with the future of CAD in general and what is expected to be seen in up coming years. The other article was a how Auto desk is already preparing for the future with their new release of AutoCAD 2000i. The titles of the articles are Design for the New Millennium, and AutoCAD 2000I connects to the Web, respectfully. Both articles are very informative and talk heavily about what an important part the web will be in the design process.

The article Design for the new Millennium, talked about what changes are expected to occur in the CAD industry in the future. The major topic of discussion was the design process. This process is the entire amount of time it takes to go from a conceptual idea to the actual market with a product. If this process time can be reduced, productivity can increase tremendously. Some believe that only the companies with high turnover rates will survive in the cut thought world of design. Many companies believe that the perfection of the design process will lead to ultimate success, they plan on doing this though the implementation of new software, hardware, and complete integration with the Internet. It is said, "that by 2005, designers will have shifted completely to Web-based documents and will manage projects via the project Web site, which makes changes immediately available to field personnel." This connects everyone in the design process; they can log on and access the needed information all at once in one location. The second article AutoCAD 2000I connects to the Web, talked about how Autodesk is integrating the Internet into their new version of software. They have added a multitude of Internet tools that bring CAD and the Web ever so closer. These new tools allow real-time interaction among designers, consultants, clients, and e-commerce sites. Once again speeding up the design process. One of the tools is a web publisher, which automates the task of publishing drawings to the Web HTML. It makes the process of creating a web page easier and less time consuming. Some of the other tools allow "net meetings", publication of drawings, and other various features.

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