Integrated Christian Counseling

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I have been a pastor for more than a decade. Being a pastor counseling has become an essential part of a ministry. As a community leader of Nepalese society, I have so much obligation for the community also. Most importantly counseling both Christian and non-Christian carefully utilizing prayer and scriptures in counseling have been such a challenge in the past. Many families come to me with several problems, requiring help to struggling couples in a relationship, youth, and children in school and with pears & in the home. This book, “Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling,” (McMinn, 2011) has opened my eyes unfolding an understanding of why psychology, theology and spiritually should be integrated, how it is possible to work …show more content…

It is so true to me what McMinn(2011) has said in his book," The question is not how we understand the relationship between psychology and theology but how we practically use the Christian faith in our counseling. Change brings challenges, and Christian counselors face several significant challenges as they bring religion into their counseling offices(p.26). This book has enlightened me with so much new understanding of how to scriptures and prayer in counseling. (McMinn, 2011) has articulately presented many reasons why psychology, theology, and spirituality can work cooperatively to bring the best result through integrated Christian counseling. I believe it is very common to many Christian Counselors struggling in incorporating psychology and theology in their practice. McMinn(2011) has included various theories and well illustrated them, so it is easy for counselors to understand them. McMinn(2011) also well described the value of prayer in counseling but most importantly I have acquired knowledge to use prayer properly in counseling. As a Pastor, I know the power of Prayer in our life and importance of praying for anything we do as a Christians. "Prayer is a method of communication with God” (McMinn, 2011,

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