Inside Out Analysis

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1. Discuss a fictional or real leader that you respect. Which of their traits do you respect and wish to emulate?

Joy, from Disney’s Inside Out, is one of the many emotions that makes up Riley, a girl whose family moved across the country. From the very start, Joy has an ambitious job. She not only needs to keep Riley happy, but needs to keep all of Riley's other emotions in check throughout the move. Joy takes control of the situation. After trying to prevent Riley’s “Core Memories” from being forgotten, Joy lands herself stuck outside of headquarters, with Sadness, another of Riley’s emotions. Throughout the film, Joy shows great leadership skills. She finds positives in difficult situations, stays organized, tenaciously solves problems …show more content…

Fearless means fears don’t stop you. I am passionate about dance. My favorite style is acrobatics. Acro is fun to perform, and it is exhilarating to execute! The feeling when running down the stage, just before my feet leave the ground: fear. I train for hours to complete the skills, and I am confident I can do them, but the fear of landing wrong is always there, pinning my eyelids open when I’m upside down in the air. This fear pushes me to be better. I don’t practice until I get a skill right. I face my fear and practice until I can’t do it wrong. Some of my fears could probably be considered irrational and silly, but others are very real. Flies are frightening creatures. They buzz around and pose as bees! Peanuts shouldn’t be scary, but living with a life threatening allergy to peanuts is justifiably frightening. Walking through cafeterias could pose a danger, and any piece of food has the potential to kill me. I have come to accept this, as I was diagnosed when I was two years old. Instead of living my life in constant fear of coming into contact with an allergen, I take opportunities as they come, and adjust to stay safe. Being afraid isn’t bad, it means you care, but you should not live your entire life in fear. I have plenty of fears, but I am

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