Informative Speech On Brain Cancer

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Have you ever lost a loved one or family member to cancer or comforted someone who has lost a loved one? I know just how hard it can be considering I recently lost my father to a form of brain cancer. At the time, before he passed away, my mother was presented with many different choices on things she could do in order to aid him and hopefully give him some more time with us.
Chances are you have lost someone or know someone because over half of cancer patients died in a study in 2012. Cancer is disease that manipulates cells causing them to divide uncontrollably and destroy the bodies tissue. There are many different forms of cancer including Breast, Prostate, Lung, and Colon cancer. Advances in technology and diagnosage have grown and become better over the years although still in 2017 thirty-five percent of people died.
Funding for cancer research is not talked about very much, or atleast I never noticed it until your know someone who is close to you that has or had cancer. Ever since I can remember, I have always thought of cancer as the worst thing ever and honestly it may be. With an estimated six hundred thousand cancer-related deaths for 2017 in the United States alone mean that out of 2.6 million deaths, nearly a quarter of them are cancer-related. In 1971 President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act. For over 40 …show more content…

In 2013 the National Cancer Institute reported that Washington funded 4.8 billions dollars in cancer-related research. In the past six years funding has now averaged 4.9 billion dollars. This money goes to scientists and researchers for lab tests and even some patient testing takes place in clinical trials. Without funding like this we wouldn’t have been able to find that there are temporary routes such as radiation and chemotherapy to stall the growth of cancer spreading

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