Informative Essay On Medical Marijuana

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Marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug around the world. “Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems and seeds from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa” (National Institute on Drug Abuse) It is mostly used in kids under the age of 21 and is increasing in popularity amongst the middle and high school students according to the yearly surveys taken. “However, the number of young people who believe marijuana use is risky is decreasing” (National Institute on Drug Abuse). This drug is dangerous if not used properly, it’s dangerous due to the fact that it is used and abused for recreational use. The part of the world that actually need medical marijuana is low and thus needs to be set as a permanent illegal drug across …show more content…

As we go to the nineteenth century of the United States, Marijuana soaked in alcohol was used to improve appetite, mental disorders, and sexual interest. The British would actually use Cannabis oil to treat facial tics and rabies. In the 70s this experimental drug was used around the globe to treat glaucoma but it was only for a couple of hours before eye pressure increased due to glaucoma, it was a temporary reliever. Many other medical and therapeutically uses of marijuana now include adrenal and airway diseases, adult attention deficit disorder, nausea associated with AIDS, anorexia, anxiety, arthritis, bulimia, and cancer. Those are just a sample of the many medical uses of marijuana and the treatment of patients. People with AIDS or cancer often lose a lot of weight through a process called wasting. This is where marijuana comes into play because it is used as a stimulant for appetite and will be prescribed by doctors in order for that person to gain weight. The only issue with this is that the THC in marijuana may stimulate appetite but it is not lean tissue fat that is gained it is fat that is increased which may lead to an unhealthy lifestyle later in after a month’s worth of use.” (Medical marijuana, Salem Press Encyclopedia of

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