Informative Essay On Birth Control

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Birth control is like soap: it benefits you and the people around you. With birth control, the birthrate among teenagers fell 40 percent in four years, and their rate of abortions fell by 42 percent. Birth control on demand is an effective way for women to continue life and succeed without having unplanned events such as pregnancy; however, these women need to pay for birth control on their own instead of the government providing it for free, and have women abuse it.

First off, birth control as itself. What do you think about it? There are many different kinds that you could apply for, but right now I am going to talk about the pill. Personally I think that it's a big part in a woman's life and I fully support the thought of having it. Birth control can save women in not being ready to support another person especially one who need support. Being able to have sexual intercourse with someone else shouldn't have to be a job, it should be something that bonds you and another person. A author from New York Times …show more content…

One survey found that more than half of women who take birth control pills do so for reasons other than avoiding pregnancy. “I am not ready to be a mother, and I don’t have to be I have options” (Brooks). It can make your periods come more regularly. With the pill, you'll know when you'll have your period. Women often stress about their period not coming on time, and with stress that can push your period to come later than expected. Don’t panic! The pill says what day you should start your period. For three weeks you will take a hormone-containing active pill, then followed by one week of inactive pills. You will usually start that Sunday of inactive pills till a week later at the next Sunday then you will start with the hormone-containing active pills. The birth control pill can also make women’s flow lighter and less

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