Influence Of Pizza

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When one says their favorite food is pizza, one might feel extremely cliché and basic. However, to me pizza is more than just food, it’s a small player in the attempt for world peace but nobody sees it that way. Personally I was introduced to pizza by my family at a young age because of my Italian background, but growing up, and after eating tons of slices of pizza I had a realization, that realization is that pizza is something almost everyone can agree on. Pizza gives me inspiration in life because of its unique variations and its worldwide acceptance in many countries and cultures. Whether it be homemade, ordered out, or dined in pizza is truly one of, if not the most inspiring to life in general. Pizza and its variations can mean a lot of things; including its shape, variable toppings and ways to make it. Ever notice that a pizza is round, in a square box, and cut into triangle slices. That …show more content…

No matter how diverse the place was, if there was pizza you become friends with everyone, it’s a true inspiring experience. All this caused by pizza! Nobody would ever think of any food becoming an influence on such a big topic! The way I look at it is that if there is a group of people who don’t know each other, and you’re all hungry and someone walks in with pizza it’s going to instantly unify the group. This will happen not only because of pizza but you are filling your stomach which puts you and other consumers in a good mood regardless of the situation. Food has a crazy impact on socialization. Pizza is just one type of food that can actually breakdown and describe our society and it truly inspires me, especially since my aspirations are in fact to become a teacher, I feel understanding diversity and unity is crucial to help develop the upcoming leaders of

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