Influence Of Hair Weaves On African American Culture

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In America, hair weaves are mostly worn by African Americans and have become a huge part of their culture. Hair weaves are also worn by other nationalities such as Caucasians and Hispanics. However, the majority of hair weaves are purchased by blacks in America. For this reason, there are a surplus of hair stores in underserved, and disadvantaged communities which are mostly populated by blacks. In addition, most women who buy weaves generally have low self-esteem and do not want others to think she is "bald-headed". The opinion of others is highly valued although they are reluctant to admit this. In the black community, hair weave have become a part of their lives. Hair weaves allow women feel and look good. Very seldom will you find black women without her hair done, and if it is not, they will be wearing a scarf to conceal their heads that they are self-conscious about. This however does not apply to other races such as Caucasians who naturally have longer and straighter hair. Although Caucasians women wearing weaves are not as common, it is not rare. …show more content…

It is not a big part of their culture. There is no way to argue with the facts, most hair business are in neighborhoods dominated by blacks and Hispanics, because they to know that is where most of their customers are. Hair weaves are an essential part of a black women’s life, even for the ones who have long hair. Their attendance to an outing is contingent on whether their hair is done or not. Men usually do not understand why women value their hair as much and most believe they do not always need their hair done. Some men actually are against women wearing weave because they see it as pretentious and believe women are beautiful without it. Women’s typical response is that its "just hair” and they are beautiful without

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