Inequalities And Double Standards In Jamaica Kincaid's Girl

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A double standard exists between men and women when it comes to sex. If a man has sex, then it is no big deal; but if a woman was to ever have sex, then she would be defiled forever and immediately branded a slut. This is slut shaming. Slut shaming is most prominently used against women and generally by other women to make them feel bad, a sort of bullying for being promiscuous. Men face very little of this bashing when it comes to their sex lives. Jamaica Kincaid’s short story “Girl” tackles these inequalities and double standards. The short story details a mother advice to her daughter that varies from helpful and practical to undiscerning and even attacking the daughter’s actions and behavior through small remarks. The girl for the most part listens to the mother and only interrupts twice to defend herself or to ask a questions. The advice all mostly involves tricks and tips for being a good house wife and how to take care of a house along with a future husband or her …show more content…

The story contains no clear beginning, middle and end like most short stories have. The story rather resides in the syntax and tone of the mother and the reaction of the girl to her mother’s instructions. The story also reads more like a poem then a short story. It almost appears to be poetry written in prose. Kincaid could be doing this to downplay the actual advice the mother is giving and highlighting the meaning behind them, much like poetry is to be read between the lines. The audience is lead to read in-between the words and advice the mother is giving and to find the story. The existential situation that the mother and daughter are in at the beginning of the story cannot be seen until later on in the story when more information is given. The tone and syntax are made the most important part of understanding this short story and Kincaid makes her audience see

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