Individualism And Transcendentalism

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Transcendentalism is a movement that was brought to the global horizon in the nineteenth century through prominent leaders such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. The adoption of this movement took a great role in New England, touching upon a variety of categories including, religion, philosophy, and literature. The need for this movement came about as a response to the world’s rapidly changing society. Many were in search of a source to redefine man and wanted an element that would bring about greater self-sufficiency and a more naturalistic view of life. As many started to take on the role that was associated with the adoption of a transcendentalist lifestyle, the far most pivotal element of the Transcendentalism movement arose: Individualism. The chief entities of individualism come in regards to man, every man. The element of this philosophy is a, “Sovereign entity who possesses an inalienable right to his own life, a right derived from his nature as a rational being. Individualism holds that a civilized society, or any form of association, cooperation or peaceful coexistence among men, can be achieved only on the basis of the recognition of individual rights…” (Rand 129). This very belief ties in with the transcendentalist lifestyle as the idea of thinking for oneself without the rules set by society rises to the scale. Individuals tend to exclude the imposed rules of society, and instead, live a more naturalistic life. While adopting the transcendentalist lifestyle, Americans would only prosper, as the room for innovative thinking would have no boundaries. There would be more independency in the world, resulting in greater numbers of leaders rather then followers. Instead of following under the confines of oth... ... middle of paper ... ... and expand their potential. We would see an increase in achievement and a better understanding amongst ourselves. The call for a more naturalistic progression to life would bring about the bettering of society. With the principles of transcendentalism, you adopt a real understanding of aspects of American life and contemporary reactions. The unlimited potential that comes with an adoption of the movement calls for why we should live a transcendentalist life. Humans would be able to rely upon themselves and self-actualize. The citizens would be more educated according to their standards and the potential amongst the human race would only rise, as there is uniqueness amongst the cultures. Everyone would try more and break out of the confinements imposed by society. The power of transcendentalism will inevitably lead individual progression to collective progression.

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