Individual Freedom In American Culture

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Individual freedom has been lying in the hearts of Americans with almost the highest honor. It affects people’s life through education and communication. The education method of American family determines how children will be like in the future; individual freedom gives children personal space and allows them excel things according to their desire. People can freely speaking through social media so as to make self-expression.These all reflect American value affect people’s life in many aspects. Chua writes the education method of Western parent,“Western parents try to respect their children’s individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions,supporting their choices,and providing positive reinforcement and nurting environment”(56). …show more content…

Moreover, the typical expression of individual freedom is free communication of ideas and opinions through social network, Gladwell says,“With and Twitter and the like,the traditional relationship between political authority and popular will has been upended,making it easier for the powerless to collaborate,coordinate,and give voice to their concern”(134). Gladwell mentions social media as the weak tie relate people together,and he Facebook and Twitter represent the platform which people can freely speaking their voice and communicating with others.and he mentions “Without Twitter the people Iran would not have felt empowered and confident to stand up for freedom and democracy”(134) Social network not only used by American people to freely speaking their voice but also for other countries. Every citizen may speak, write, and print freely for the right is protected by government. Except for the actions forbidden by law, whatever is not forbidden may not be prevented, and no one may be constrained to do what it does not

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