Indian Sovereignty Essay

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Indian Sovereignty begins defining the word sovereignty which is a strenuous word to define due to not being touched and has changed over the years. But you may see it through exercising the sovereign powers. The word sovereignty began in Europe with the superior power who was the King they exercised sovereignty with working with their ruler. John Locke and Jacques Rousseau both help develop, define what sovereignty means which John said it comes from the people and Jacques says it comes from the agreement among the people of a nation. Next Sovereignty is never completely independent due to the fact that a strong Nation relies on one another to attain the goal of independence. Sovereignty is the supreme power before nation, government, and …show more content…

The United States have their own power to control the Native Americans and if they want to override any power all they need is a political question, guardian-ward relationship, and plenary power. Congress created different acts to limit the Indian government powers; Indian Trade and Intercourse Act, Indian Removal Act of 1830, Appropriation Act, Major Crimes Act, General Allotment Act, Public Law 280, and Indian Civil Rights Act. Kirke Kickingbird, Lynn Kickingbird, Charles J. Chibitty, and Curtis Berkey stated, U.S. congress can revoke or change the treaties without consent of the other party (2005, 20). The legislation changed the Five Civilized Tribes, by removing the chiefs and sold their buildings which they became assimilated into western society. The Indian Reorganization Act (IRA) did put restrictions on the Native tribes ', but they have aided the Indian sovereignty by stopping the Allotment …show more content…

Under the heading of sovereign powers of Indian Nations, concluded that each tribe granted certain of those powers to the United States government in ex-change for certain benefits and rights. That statement is true, but we have gotten the bad end of that exchange where the federal government is obligated through signing treaties to provide funding for education, health care, and housing. According to Indian Nations in the United States, the health programs have been inadequately funded for many decades Indian people have the worst health status of any group in the country as a result (2007, 7). The Native people has gotten more diseases and health effects due to being exposed to those health problems from Euro-Americans. Today the Native people suffer from those health effects and we do not even have the proper funding when they were the ones who are killing us on a daily basis. I cannot imagine how much of our historical sites and culture has been destroyed since 1492 when Christopher Columbus arrived till 1978 when the first law was passed known as the American Indian Religious Freedom Act. Before that law was passed it is assumed that the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution included the religious freedom rights of Native Americans. But they still passed a remedial law even though those rights were already protected. According to Indians Nations in the United

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