Independence Isn T Doing Your Own Thing: It's Doing The Right Way

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As Kim John Payne said, “Independence isn’t doing your own thing; it’s doing the right thing on your own”. As humans, we all desire the need to want the freedom to live our own lives without worrying about having someone to depend on. Independence requires people to take personal responsibility for their own actions. There are both values and challenges such as freedom, stress, and learning new skills. One of the greatest things about having personal independence is freedom. There are many values to having the freedom to live your own life. Everyone can remember the day they legally became an adult on their eighteenth birthday. Finally being able to do whatever you want and go wherever you want without having to follow your parents rules or When you’re finally able to have the freedom to live your own life, you take advantage of that. Most young adults go out and spend their money on fast and expensive cars, expensive electronics that they don’t even need, and just waste their money because they have the freedom to live their lives without depending on their parents. Watching and keeping up with how much money you spend shows how responsible a person is. Another significant thing about having personal independence is responsibility. Having personal independence requires us to grow up and take responsibility for our actions. Responsibility is one of the biggest things a young adult much achieve in order to successfully have personal independence. Having responsibility can have it’s values. Going out and doing your own things can be fun but you have to have responsibility. Buying your first car is a big responsibility that is fun. Having your own car to drive around in is a fun experience for everyone; however, there are responsibilities that must be kept when owning a car. Having a car means making sure it has enough gas, paying the insurance bill, and making sure you drive safely so the car doesn’t get damaged. Learning how to do all of those things is learning

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