Income Inequality In Canada

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BRIEFING NOTE Income Inequality in Canada. Issue: The purpose of this briefing note is to present an analysis of alternatives and a recommendation regarding the rising economic, social implication of Income inequality in Canada. Background: In recent times, income inequality has been a major issue in Canada that has affected other sectors of the economy. Recent research has shown that Canada’s income equality has risen over the past 30 years with no significant improvement over time. Also, evidence that has shown that 20% of the families in the top income scale has 70% of the wealth of Canada since 1998. Although the mid class income earners has been quite slow in the performance even if they recorded a gain of about 14%, the average …show more content…

It begins with begins the poorest household, which is also a standard for measuring income inequality. Usually, perfect income equality is represented with a straight diagonal line which is drawn from the left to right. The Lorenz curve comprises of a vertical axis that illustrates the percentage of total income received, while the horizontal axis consists of the percentage of beneficiaries which represents 20% of the poorest population and both axis sums up to a 100 %. After the plotting the graph, it was observed that the bottom 10% of the poorest population only receives 1.8% of the country’s wealth; 20% of the population receives 5% of the country’s wealth ;while in the middle of the diagonal line which represents the half of the population receives approximately 20% of the counties wealth. In other words, the farther the Lorenz curve is away from the diagonal line which represents perfect equality, the higher the level of inequality. However, the relationship between the Lorenz curve and the diagonal line is obtained by calculating the ratio of the area between the diagonal line and the Lorenz curve divided by the total area of the half squared in which the square lies. That area is known as the Gini …show more content…

Widening income inequality in Canada has a huge implication on growth and stability. This is because it causes concentration of power and economic resources in the hands of fewer individuals in the society, leading to mismanagement and exploitation of the majority which then results into economic instability as well as crisis in Canada. High level of income inequality causes a social cost to the society. This is because it undermines a person’s educational and career choices and as such their efforts are deviated into certain social vices like corruption, nepotism etc Growing body of evidence suggest that the Gross Domestic Product will be widely affected as the level of output produced within Canada thus causing a dampening effect on investments since individual has deviated their skills from production and investing into other things that wouldn’t be beneficial to the society. High inequality growth also affects the standard of living of the lower- income earners as they can barely afford their basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter as well as health care. Analysis Confronting the implications of Income Inequality in Canada has a multiple

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