Inclusive Education for Students with Developmental Disabilities

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Little Johnny is approaching his third birthday and will soon age out of early intervention services. Mr. and Mrs. Doe are frightened by the thought of the family making this change. They have become comfortable with Johnny’s current support team. However, Johnny’s Early Head Start team reassures them that will support them all the way to make the transition to the next step in Johnny’s education successful. Definition of Inclusive Education Inclusive education is different from “integrated” education. Inclusive education is defined as students with disabilities receiving their education through the local school districts within their district’s general education classes. The student with a disability is expected to receive instruction in the age-appropriate general education curriculum alongside their peers. Whereas the term integrated or integration is defined as special educational classes held in the same building or school campus as general education students, however, the classes are self-contained. The special education student would have only minimal interaction with the general education students during the recess period, art, or gym classes. Integrative instruction does not build a sense of belonging or acceptance among peers; it only continues to generate a sense of difference among all students (Odom, Horner, Snell, & Blancher, 2007). The public education system in the context of disabilities and IDEA Since the enactment of IDEA in the ‘90’s, and its earlier predecessor the Education for all Handicapped Children Act in the ‘70s, the American educational landscape was forever changed. The societal mindset has been reshaped; teachers are taught to teach differently, and the school children are playing with disabled p... ... middle of paper ... ...). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. Ko, B., & Boswell, B. (2013). Teachers' perceptions, teaching practices, and leaning opportunities for inclusion. The Physical Educator, 70(3), 223-242. Loreman, T. Seven pillars of support for inclusive education. International Journal of whole schooling, 3, 22-38. Obiakor, F., Harris, M., Mutua, K., Rotatori, A., & Algozzine, B. (2012). Making inclusion work in general education classrooms. Education and Treatment of Children, 35(3), 477-490. Odom, S.L., Hornor, R.H., Snell, M.E., & Blanch, J. (2007). Handbook of developmental disabilities. New York: The Gilford Press. Peters, E., & Johnson, T., (2006). Thriving in the co-taught classroom. Science Scope, 30(4), 56-58. Sindelar, P., Shearer, D., Yenol-Hoppey, D., & Leibert, T. (2006). The sustainability of inclusive school reform. Exceptional Children, 72(3), 317-331.

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