Inaccurate Weight Perception

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The research question on the above topic that the paper seeks to answer is how does student perceive weight lost? The research question looks at four most important ideas emerging from the topic that concerns how some students inaccurately perceive their weight. Inaccurate weight perception may affect their dietary patterns and their overall health wellbeing (Collins, Bentez, 2009). Inaccurate weight perception may lead to some obese students to ignore shedding off some pounds but continue to add weight. Individuals who misperceived their weight requirements for reduction feel they were at a more advantage than others their age yet they are at a higher risk of coronary illnesses as other corpulent patients. The final idea is that those who …show more content…

The psychological implications are that apart from foreshadowing obesity development, they also hamper the attempts to control and cut down weight. Combinations of environmental, psychological and biological attributes are responsible for obesity and many eating disorders. The psychological impacts such as anxiety and depression on an individual are dire and make the victims to find it harder to control their food consumption with poor physical exercise to maintain healthy weight. Eating food is actually a reactive behavior for copying by those who are already obese especially when they are anxious, sad, stressed, frustrated and lonely. Many overweight individuals therefore seem to be in constant cycle of emotional disturbance, with excess food uptake and weight increase. When the obese individuals feel emotionally disturbed, they resort to food to cope. Such act may lead to a dysphonic mood because of being unable to control stress. Consequently, the ensuing guilt may reactivate the cycle resulting into a constant trend of resorting to food in order to cope with stress. A part from anxiety and depression, there are other risks like practicing problematic eating tendencies that are mindless. The obese individuals may eat so frequently on foods …show more content…

Inaccurate weight perception may lead to extreme weight practice (EWP) that may lead to attempt to cut down weight or increase thus impacting a physical health problem. A research conducted on body weight perception in Mauritania among 180 teenagers half male and d females between 12 to 18 years show that 8.4% of the Mauritians of this age are obese (Bhurtun & Jeewon, 2013). The research however shows that once the obese victims had realized their weight problem, they tried to cut down weight through avoiding some fatty and high caloric

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