In-Vitro Fertilization Essay

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The process of getting pregnant is one of wondrous measures. Having a family is one of the first human rights—not law—that we learn as kids, but there are many instances to where some are not able to conceive as easy as others. In such instances, there is a solution that women can undergo to have the family they have dreamed of. The solution: In-Vitro Fertilization, otherwise known as IVF therapy. IVF is one way of having a family of your own; however, an emotional debate has attended the question of whether health insurance should cover the cost of In-Vitro Fertilization for infertile couples. Some private health plans have opted to cover IVF, although most have not. Ten states have mandated that it be included or offered as a standard benefit for private health insurance plans. If insurance providers choose to offer benefits for infertility treatments, some of those costs could be mitigated and the treatment may be more accessible.
In 1939, the first IVF was conducted on rabbits, hamsters, and mice; however, IVF was seen as impossible on a human and was regarded with incredulity into scientific and medical practices across the country. In 1978, the world witnessed the birth of the first “test tube baby,” Louise Brown (Zhao, Brezina, Hsu, Garcia, and Wallch, 2011).
In less than two decades, In-Vitro Fertilization has progressed from the realm of science fiction to become a regularly performed treatment for couples experiencing persistent fertility problems. The procedure is now performed over 50,000 times a year in some three hundred facilities in the United States .Ten states have mandated its inclusion as a standard benefit for private health insurance plans.
In vitro fertilization has always occupied a special place in healt...

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... who has access, and what restrictions, if any, should apply. Because of the costly treatment and failure for most insurance companies to grant coverage for infertility, many couples are not able to have their own children since this is something that has to be paid out of the pocket. Furthermore, even though there has been past controversial issues with the treatment using IVF, it is a safe procedure today—with some complications, such as twins being born—and with the scientific, medical, and technological advances that we have in the 21st century; people trust this method as safe and effective. Everybody deserves to have a family. And for some—IVF is the only solution next to adoption. The United States must recognize the degree in which this problem effects their citizens and see that with help of insurance coverage, lives can be changed and lives can be made.

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