In A Lesson Before Dying Analysis

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The illusion called the “American Dream” means to most people is a having a house with a wife/ husband and kids with having no debt and no worry about finances, having a high paying job, being in the middle class, having the right to vote and many other basic human rights . For me, I have no interest in trivial thing such as the “American Dream”. I don’t want a spouse for which dies in the end, children who would put me in debt because the money I would have to spend on the kids to take care of them for 18 years of my life that I would never get back. But having no debt and worries about finances and basic human rights would be nice but being in the middle class for me is super overrated because the desire of being undistinguished, typical, a cookie cutter is something that I would never wish upon my worst enemy. I would rather be in my only class of my own due to how many people attempt to be normal. Most people just want to be like other people and never try to surpass the ones that they aspire to be. As for the “American Dream” in the …show more content…

So the only jobs that were available to black people at the times was lower education jobs. So thinking that the “American Dream” exists around Washington DC area is an illusion that people create to protect themselves from the horrible truth that it was ever a real thing to begin with. Since most people still try to believe the “American Dream” is a real thing, they would work their butts off just to attempt to get a little closer to the impossible dream while turning a blind eye to people who are suffering like homeless people, the Trans community, and many

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