In A Bamboo Grove And Rod Of Justice

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In both Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s “In a Bamboo Grove” and Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis’ “The Rod of Justice” it is the reader’s job to interpret the truth. To become a believer in what is happening in these stories and the motives of the characters. Ryunosuke’s story is about a man running from being a priest and Assis’s story is about connecting the dots of murder from different perspectives. Each story is complex in portraying content in what is happening with each character and how they affect the story. Specifically, to make you attached to a character and realize they may not be who they seem as the story progresses. The goal is to connect these two stories showing their similarities and differences in regard to who you trust.
The main leading role is Kanazawa “In a Bamboo Grove” and Damiao in “The Rod of Justice” who both are going through complications in their lives. Damiao is dealing with running away from the seminary while Kanazawa is killed at the beginning of the story. Both stories are started in the wee hours in the morning. Damiao run away from his home at eleven o’clock in the morning (Assis 839). Then, Kanazawa body was found by a woodcutter who went out to cut cedar in the hills …show more content…

For example, during her testimony she described Kanazawa as a very kind man and could not believe anyone would kill him. Further, she explained that Kanazawa was the only man her daughter has ever known. Next, the court would show the concern she had for the well-being of her daughter and after that she could not continue to talk about what happened. To clarify this painted the picture of Masago as being the victim and her hatred for the bandit for what he did. After what her mother said about her daughter you would believe that Masago had no part in the murder of her husband. Her testimony would come later to reveal what she seen from her

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