Lady Macbeth Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay

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In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, lady Macbeth plays a key role in the murder of the king. Lady Macbeth is the wife of the main character Macbeth. She not only plans the murder of the king, but participates as well. One can see the change in Lady Macbeth after the murder. She starts to have reoccurring thoughts of the incident and basically loses her mind. Lady Macbeth can be diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder and borderline personality with the symptoms she shows throughout the play.
Lady Macbeth starts to struggle with the guilt of killing the king as the book progresses. Post traumatic stress disorder symptoms include, “ reoccurring thoughts of an incident, nightmares, and flashbacks”. (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) Things that may
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a soldier, and afeard? What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?--Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.(5.1.31-36)

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This shows that she is filling guilty of the incident and thoughts of the crime keep haunting her. By witnessing and participating in the crime of killing the king she is having nightmares because she cannot get it off her mind. With these symptoms lady
Macbeth can be diagnosed with a post traumatic disorder.
Lady Macbeth is involved in some risky behavior and has some mood swings.
Symptoms of border line personality are, “ Impulsive and risky behavior…” (BPD Mayo
Clinic) One can see that lady Macbeth is a very risky person. She not only has the idea of killing the king but also wants to kill him in her own house. Symptoms are also, “marked by unstable and shifting moods”. (BPD Funk & Wagnails) Lady Macbeth’s mood can change in an instant at times. When the murder is about to occur she is ruthless, but after she covers the evidence she feels guilty. Lady Macbeths risky behavior and mood swings are key symptoms that can diagnose her with a Borderline personality

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