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Essay on effects of improper garbage disposal
Essay on effects of improper garbage disposal
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The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42 Chapter 82, Subchapter I, Section 6903 (1976) defines disposal as “discharge, deposit, injection, dumping, spilling, leaking, or placing of any solid waste or hazardous waste into or on any land or water so that such solid waste or hazardous waste or any constituent thereof may enter the environment or be emitted into the air or discharged into any waters, including ground waters.” Practices for the collection of solid waste ranging from the types of trashcan, or reusable waste containers, to training operators collecting solid waste, and maintaining records associated with the waste collection system, required for federal agencies and recommended to state and local governments, have been provided as well (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40 Part 243, 1976). The government upon waste management guideline establishment, under the afore-mentioned Codes then designated enforcement to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As we move into the enforcement of environmental policies by EPA we see federal standards that states must comply with and our first mention of what the government determines as improper trash or waste disposal. Two key EPA policies that determine improper trash disposal are The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) (1988) which regulates the generation, transportation, and treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous wastes and excludes hazardous wastes from incinerator and landfill facilities requiring disposal at a permitted facility and the Household Hazardous Waste (2008) that states household products that are toxic, corrosive or flammable require special methods of disposal and pouring them on the ground, down the drain, into open sewage systems, or...
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...er stress, undernourished, dehydrated, and lower immunity are the perfect setting for an outbreak! Dysentery, diarrhea, meningitis, Hepatitis A, and B, acute upper respiratory infections, tetanus and rabies are the most common diseases affecting populations after disasters and all are easily linked to waste disposal (Wisner, B. & Adams, J., 2002).
Disposal of trash or waste or garbage however you call it is critical in society today with federal, state, and local laws in place to ensure the health and safety of citizens and protect and conserve the environment. The future of our planet is at stake from decades of neglect and misuse of our resources and we must do all that we can to protect and preserve it. Reading and researching has renewed my sense of environmentalism and it starts in my home by recycling, reusing and properly disposing of trash.
...and greatest” mentality. Consumers throw away perfectly good food, electronics, etc. Society has conditioned to think objects and materials show wealth and stature. We are raised to except trash and garbage as anything that is be out dated, or slightly imperfect. High standards and expectations from relaters and consumers force us to buy excessively. If you don’t acquire these fancy popular gadgets then you are not living the normal state of living, giving the impression you can’t afford or poor. If one lacks the newest and coolest phone or gadget they are looked down on. This mentality is extremely toxic to our pockets and society. In conclusion it is crucial that we implement less damaging and toxic waste management disposal system.
Imagine yourself in the middle of a rainforest, listen to the sounds around you, smell the fresh air, hear the wildlife; take that image and get rid of the trees around you, the sounds of wildlife, and the smell of fresh air. Instead of a rainforest you are now in the middle of a seemingly endless sea of trash and waste. The fresh scent in the air gone, the sprawling land of greenery and trees gone, and the sounds of the forest is reduced to the sound of heavy machinery trying vainly to reduce trash into smaller more compact waste.
Reduce, recycle and recycle could be a construct that individuals area unit beginning to perceive and to use to each life round the world (GOV.UK, 2013). This knowledge base essay can explore info concerning use by totally different resources that are provided to use such as the web, books, journals and alternative resources that needs to offer American state info on use. This essay can discover use as business, environmental and policy perspective. Use is that the methodology by that we tend to recover valuable resources to be re-used once more and once more. However just one a part of healing the atmosphere, it's a sensible action that people altogether businesses participate in daily routines on recycling (Reclaim, 2013). While recycling is only one part to healing the environment it is a practical action that individuals in all businesses and people take part in every day.
Due to the fact that the environment provides many natural resources that are essential for human viability, California should establish and enforce policies that regulate toxic waste disposal, help clean up bodies of water, reduce contributions of carbon dioxide that contribute to global warming, plant more trees, and offer rewards to people who actively protect the environment in order to achieve citizen involvement. Toxic waste and chemical-filled waste pose a great threat to the environment for many reasons. Sadly, California—among other coastal U.S. states—is one of the most industrially polluted regions in the United States (Cooper, 1996). It is then of no surprise that it was found that improper disposal of the waste from industrial companies soon enough began affecting both wildlife, as well as humans. People had to evacuate their homes due to the fact that companies were burying their waste illegally, resulting in the contamination of water sources (Cooper, 1996).
Our society is based heavily off of production and consumption of material things. Whatever gets produced however does not last forever and must eventually get thrown out. Thus we have our system of dispensing waste. Our mass build up of trash is so great that we have to export it to other countries like China and it’s one of our leading exports. With such a large consolidation of garbage and other waste, there is no avoiding negative effects to our environment and to human health.
Most importantly, it saves lives. We should all learn the importance of recycling. For example, some sea lions won?t get stuck in plastics if we recycle. We would also breathe better air. We can recycle and aluminum can and put it back on the shelf for something useful. If we just leave it in the landfill, it?ll decompose and it?ll be of no use. It?ll also reduce pollution or else it?ll make a new one.
According to saveonenergy.com, americans generate 250 million tons of garbage, all which need landfill space, which is paid by us through taxes. 2. MP #2 Next ill be talking about how recycling reduces pollution Incinerating the waste in a landfill creates a whole lot of fumes that is not good for our environment and more importantly not good for our health. Landfills are responsible for methane, toxins, and many chemical compounds which according to physicians for social responsibility could lead to asthma and lung cancer. Reducing the size of our landfills lessens the chances of all these risks.
Our world is getting to the point to where we will be surrounded by trash. There are hazards happening because of the excess trash, which could have been recycled. Although the government is not doing their best to make these hazards stop, surprisingly it is the non-governed organizations that are trying to make the difference. Proven studies and facts have been made about these issues, so people should take this into consideration and start recycling more. Recycling is a beneficial process that is not required globally like it should be because citizens are uneducated on the process and what it can do. People who are not recycling do not know the hazards they are causing everywhere.
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (Last updated on 3/20/2013). Radioactive Waste Disposal: An Environmental Perspective [EPA 402-K-94-001]. Available: http://www.epa.gov/radiation/docs/radwaste/. Last accessed 25th April 2014.
Household garbage, yard waste, tires, barrels, lumbar, shingles, asbestos, appliances and furniture which is a sample of things found in abandoned piles called open dumps” instead of being taken to a state certified and regulated solid waste landfills or recycle centers. Open Dumps are found at the bottom of ravines, roadsides, alleys, behind buildings, pastures and other locations people seem to want to dump their waste. Open dumps are illegal waste disposal sites that are not permitted. If open dumps are not immediately disposed of they grow larger and become a danger to the environment affecting wildlife and people.
Traditional methods of waste disposal have proven to be ineffective and have caused harmful effects on the environment. The most popular and inexpensive way to get rid of garbage is burial, but burying your problems does not necessarily mean getting rid of them. Landfill sites pose as severe ecological threats as these mass garbage dump yards overflow with trash and frequently contaminate our air, soil and water with hazardous wastes. About 400 million tons of hazardous wastes are generated each year1. A large-scale release of these materials can cause thousands of deaths and may poison the environment for many years. For example many industrial companies around the world cannot afford to enforce the strict pollution regulations set by many developed countries. This usually forces these types of companies to move to developing countries where pollution regulations are very lenient. These developing countries knowingly accept environmentally hazardous companies usually because they are in desperate need of employment. The harmful effects of these companies were clearly illustrated in the 1960s and 1970s when residents living near Minamata Bay, Japan, developed nervous disorders, tremors, and paralysis in a mysterious epidemic. The root was later found to be a local industry that had released mercury, a highly toxic element, into Minamata Bay. The disaster had claimed the lives of 400 people1. Since 1970 you can bet that a lot more than 400 people have died as a result of waste disposal. If the type of waste disposal were cheaper and effective we wouldn’t have to deal with waste problems, which still plague mankind today.
Therefore, recycling can protect natural resources, preserve energy and lessen pollution. If people want to save planet Earth for generations to come, then recycling is necessary. On Debate.org, the question “Should there be mandatory recycling?” was asked and 84 percent said yes, while only 16 percent said no (“Should There Be Mandatory Recycling”). Recycling is very important to the planet and can make a huge difference in so many ways. Recycling is a way of life and once a person has made the choice to follow through with the steps, recycling can become second nature. Every small contribution adds up to how the society shapes the Earth’s future. How will someone make a difference?
The United States produces “about 8.25 billion tons of solid wastes each year” (Russell 1). People do not realize the impact they have on our planet and environment. When people throw anything in the trashcan, they are contributing to the destruction of our planet. The number landfills in the United States are decreasing, but the amount and volume of waste being thrown into the new landfills is increasing (Russell 4). Because of this escalating amount of garbage, Methane which contributes to global warming is an outcome of these landfills (Russell 7). As a result, our planet is suffering because of this epidemic. The garbage being put in the landfills could be recycled, but not enough businesses, ...
Policy is needed to regulate which course of action should be taken and how it should be implemented. Because of this, many plans and policies revolving around the management of solid waste have been put in place. Sometimes however, a particular policy can have its shortfalls, potentially resulting in its negative aspects outweighing the positive ones. According to the Conference Board of Canada Report, “Canadians dispose of more municipal solid waste per capita than any other country” (2013). Solid waste management in particular, involves many aspects, ranging from packaging waste, food waste, etc. (White & Franke 1999), hence, the following analysis revolves around household and commercial waste – referred to as Municipal Solid Waste (White & Franke. 1999) – in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. Municipal waste is a major health and environmental concern as it contributes to numerous problems like habitat destruction, surface groundwater pollution, and other forms of air, soil, and water contamination. Waste disposal methods like incineration create toxic substances, and landfills emit methane, which contributes to global warming. According to the Zero Waste Objective Report, “The impact of climate change and the increasing awareness of the role of “waste” and “wasting” in the production of greenhouse gas emissions is a constant environmental pressure… (2009). This leads to an increasing limitation of government to prevent and control the volume and toxicity of products in the waste stream and a growing need to shift responsibility to the product manufacturer.
Due to the fact that there is a huge problem with garbage disposal, government representatives must contribute to resolving this issue. Efficient waste management approaches help with reducing and avoiding unpleasant impacts on the environment and human health, while allowing for financial development and progress in the quality of people’s lives. People do not even imagine the size and capacity of their activities and the impact they produce on the environment. Garbage is an important ecological problem. It seems amazing that approximately all of the citizens of the world identify rubbish as a major environmental problem and yet these people still litter.