Importance Of Women's Day Essay

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It is "International Women's Day". Lots of buzz around and about it. The protagonist have their ideas to proclaim and the antagonist have their intentions to play. With all this around I simply think to myself, Why a Women's day? Why do we need to celebrate a day for Women ?

Lets celebrate womanhood each day. Let us reflect on the "True role of a woman" and how we can uplift ourselves and all around us. We play different roles in our lives. We are daughters, spouse, friends, sisters,cousin, mentor, leader, team members and so on. These different roles make up the mosaic of the arc of our journey. Because of our life circumstances, country of birth, race or culture we all develop and think differently but truly deep within we all are one and same. We have hopes, dreams, fears, charms and vulnerabilities.

Then how can we, just another "woman next door " bring some change in the world. How can we truly celebrate "Women's day". How can we at our micro level do our parts that will actually manifest at macro level.

With this pensive mood I present my blog : "The True Role of a Woman".

"Shakti", the power is the essence of woman. We create, we nurture, we produce . That is how nature manifests in us. It is through our life we recognize our own lives, family life, the social life and uplift the …show more content…

Lets cultivate the habit to nurture all around us. If we look around there are so many woman, young girls, girl child whom we can help to realize themselves. We cannot change the world but maybe one woman at a time. It maybe our maid or her daughter or that orphan or maybe our neighbor who just needs a true friend. Can we do it. Can we silently yet resolutely help each other to raise in our levels of consciousness. If each of us decide to guide mentor and nature just another women we are uplifting the world . Education is the most important tool. It can enlighten

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