Importance Of Tragedy In Snow Falling On Cedars

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‘Tragedy’ and ‘greatness’ are two words that are not typically used in the same sentence. ‘Tragedy’ comes with lots of negative connotations whereas ‘greatness’ comes with many positive connotations. However, to put the two together could lead to endless possibilities. The outcome of any event is subject to change. Even when time seems to be at its’ worst, this only means that there is room for improvement. Error will be seen and lessons will be learned. Therefore, A tragic event causes one’s life to change for the better. Tragedy allows one to see her faults. In the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, the Montagues and Capulets had an ongoing feud for a long time. At one point, their children, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet …show more content…

In the novel, Snow Falling on Cedars, by David Guterson, Ishmael Chambers had been in love with Hatsue Imada but she did not feel the same way. When she moved to the Japanese internment camps and wrote a letter breaking up with him, it felt like a tragedy. Now Ishmael stood with evidence that could free Kabuo Miyamoto, a Japanese man on trial for murder, but did not know what to do with it. “He read her letter another time and understood that she once admired him, there was something in him she was grateful for even if she could not love him. … he reached into his pocket and unfolded the notes Philip Milholland had written on September 16, and Ishmael explained what the shorthand meant and why he had come at ten-thirty in the night to speak to her after all these years” (Guterson 442-444). After rereading Hatsue’s letter to him years later, he realized that although she did not love him, she respected him. He learned from this that he could not let his anger get in the way of an innocent man, even if he was Japanese, being freed for a murder he did not commit. That was why he came to Hatsue’s house at ten-thirty at night; to tell her that. Personal emotions often get in the way of one doing what is truly right. When one is frustrated or upset about something, she is unlikely to think as she normally would leading to quick decisions made with no thought. These decisions are typically regretted, but one learns from this mistake that …show more content…

When he met the man who had been providing him with the money to become so wealthy, they became great friends. However, Magwitch, his benefactor, unfortunately died leaving Pip with debt piling to the roof. When Joe came, he paid all of Pip’s debt and in response, Pip said, “I had never dreamed of Joe’s having paid the money; but Joe had paid it, and the receipt was in his name. What remained for me now, but to follow him to the dear old forge, and there to have out my disclosure to him, and my penitent remonstrance with him--” (Dickens 431). After the death of Magwitch, Pip realized how fortunate he was to have Joe in his life. When Pip had no one to help him when he needed it, Joe showed him that true friendship prevails in the end. Pip learned that he never should have left Joe, and that friendship was something he needed in his life. Then, Pip decided to go home to the forge where he would reunite with Joe and his life would be changed for the better. Branching out and reaching for one’s dreams is ideal. However, pushing aside those that helped one to get where she is is wrong. When something goes wrong, one may realize what she lost and can often fix it, improving her

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