Importance Of Toska

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In a world of instant satisfaction; having a feeling of longing, while having no true subject to project it onto, is quite painful. The sense of unfulfillment is not something often felt in the world today. When it is felt, people often get angry or upset. People are not taught what unfulfillment is. It is even more difficult to get rid of though if that feeling has no true object of satisfaction. Truly, how can someone be happy if they cannot find what it is that makes them happy? Toska, or тоска, is a Russian word that does not have a full translation to English, but the closest definition would be the most painful ache and longing for nothing in particular. A girl is sitting in the woods, surrounded by the quiet crunch of animals running through the leaves while the light filters in rays through the leaves. The smell of mud and fresh fallen rain is hanging strongly through the air. Their back is against the rough bark of the …show more content…

When someone is surrounded by those they love: they feel a warm, fuzzy feeling. It is comforting to be with those that someone loves. This moment feels right, like everything in life has lined up, even for just a minute. No one is looking for anything, they are content with the way things are. This is not toska at all. Toska is actually the exact opposite. Toska is searching for something that is not there. It is feeling like there is something missing. The soul is longing for something; although what that thing may be, no one knows. When someone feels toska, it is like their soul is being clenched between the hands a god. Their soul is being pulled and throw around, it is a deep, unsettling feeling in their gut. Toska is the feeling of dissatisfaction, which can be quite disturbing while living in the age of instant gratification. There is no cure for toska, there is nothing that could bring the satisfaction that someone craves from

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