Importance Of The Sixth House

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The sixth house is also related to Artha, or wealth, as it is part of the triangle of Earth. This house is the first dusthana (falling) house. The dusthana houses (six, eight and twelve) are negative or inauspicious houses, and often they bring the challenges in our destiny. The sixth house is the least negative of those because it is also considered an Upachaya house, which means that it will grow or improve with time. The sixth house, in addition to being a house of wealth or Artha, represents the second stage in the life of finances for a human being. Just like the second house is indicative of the whole life finances, but particularly of the beginning of life — the childhood — the sixth house has to do with the finances of the adult life or the area of service. Military service, professional services, and medical services in particular, are all under the umbrella of this house. Difficulties, enemies, sickness, all kind of challenges, particularly in the area of work or service, are also part of this house. Healing ability and medicine are also indicated by the sixth house. His rising sign is Pisces, which makes his ruling planet, Jupiter in the ninth house, a blessing of the chart in every fire (Dharma) angle. The ninth house is a house of Dharma, and it happens to be in the sign of Scorpio. The ruler of Scorpio is the planet Mars, which is in the fifth house, another house of Dharma. So all houses of Dharma (righteousness, good luck, spirituality and wisdom) are either occupied with positive planets or ruled by planets located in Dharma houses, all of which are excellent positions for good luck, wisdom and righteousness. We could have selected Mr. Redford as an example of Dharma (the triangle of fire) strength, but it is his sixth house of Artha that is outstanding in its power. That means his excellent good luck and wisdom will be put to the purpose of service, which is his

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